What is Git?
Git may be a free and open source conveyed adaptation control framework outlined to handle everything from little to exceptionally expansive ventures with speed and proficiency. Adaptation control framework could be a system that records changes to a record or set of records over time so that you simply can review particular forms afterward. Not at all like a central VCS, a conveyed VCS has both inaccessible and nearby stores. As a result, it does not require the reinforcement.
Download Git from here
Enter Configuration Values:
git config --global user.name "firstName lastName"
– your name
git config --global user.email "example@gmail.com"
– your email
Check Your Settings:
git config --list
To open a manual and display information about Git:
git help -a
git help --all
– shows a list of all available commands
git help config
– explains how to use the Git verb, in this case,
git help -g
git help --guide
– shows a list of Git guides
New Repository
To create a New Repository:
git init
To clone a Remote Repository:
git clone /Url/
Staging Area
To add / propose changes:
git add /file/
To add everything:
git add .
To remove:
git reset /file/
To commit changes:
git diff
– shows the changes made
git commit -m "Detailed message explaining the nature of changes"
To push changes to remote repository:
git pull origin master
git push origin master
Git project consists of three main sections:
Working Directory
Staging Area / Index
Three main states of files:
A Git branch is a movable pointer to the commits. The default branch is called master.
To create a new branch:
git checkout -b newBranch
To remove a branch:
git branch -d newBranch
To go back to master:
git checkout master
To push to the remote repository:
git push origin /branch/
To merge a branch to current branch:
git merge /branch/
To see the commit that was just made:
git log
The message, author, email, and other additional information will be displayed.
Git Checkout
git checkout -- /file/
git fetch origin
– to cancel all the commits implemented locally